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Unique table designed with loads of storage space that furniture lovers will be absolutely smitten with

If you’ve ever even remotely spent time in the furniture design world on Instagram, then you’ve for sure come across Deniz Aktay. His simple, minimal, yet genius furniture pieces have slowly but surely taken the IG world by storm. The success of his designs lies in the fact that they’re oh-so-simple, elegant, and yet packed with massive functionality. The simplicity will almost make you wonder ‘Why didn’t I think of this?’, but unfortunately for us and luckily for Aktay, no one else can conjure these designs up except him. He’s created wonders – from a unique bookshelf that functions as a side table to a coffee table design with intriguing layers. And his ‘Overlap’ table is a creation I’m currently completely smitten by!

Designer: Deniz Aktay

A table is a pretty important addition to any living space – whether it’s a side, coffee, or console table! Once the perfect table has been set, you can start building the rest of the space around it – a comfy sofa, cute chairs, exquisite lighting, and elegant decorative pieces. Now what I absolutely love about the Overlap table is that it seems like a pretty versatile one! It looks commanding and functional enough to work as a coffee table, and also compact and cute enough to be used as a side table. And I truly appreciate how the simple design prioritizes storage – something that modern homeowners will appreciate as well, considering the space constraint issues we all face nowadays.

Deniz describes the Overlap table as a ‘table-storage design’, which quite simply explains what the piece of furniture is. Overlap basically comprises of two rotated wooden boxes that have been artfully joined and intertwined together to create a sturdy table that can also be used as a storage space. The design has a geometrically intriguing form with the wooden box at the back swinging and extended out to form the tabletop. While the other wooden box solely functions as a nifty storage unit and provides support to the tabletop placed on it.

Both the wooden boxes come together to create one homogenous unit that has been constructed craftily to form a nuanced design that provides an ample amount of storage while occupying a minimum amount of space itself. The well-designed table/storage design can be fit into the tiny corners of your home, or placed as a centerpiece in your living room.

The post Unique table designed with loads of storage space that furniture lovers will be absolutely smitten with first appeared on Yanko Design.

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